May be that is the reason they do not have much experience when it comes to error messages. Have a look at this screenshot
Look at the timing in area which I have tried to highlight.
The problem here is, they had hard-coded the time when site was expected to be up and running and unfortunately they could bring it up. The time when site was expected to be up and running again had already past the current time.
While not being able to bring the site back up and running in expected time is not uncommon, hard-coding time in error message is!
May be it was important for ICICI Direct to mention the time to keep their clients informed. But still hard coding is not justified.
Worst case, if they HAD TO, they could have done something like this:
if($time < $currentTime) {
print "The site will be back soon";
} else {
print "The site will be back by " . $time;
So I strongly recommend to always ensure that if you had to hard-code anything in your view, it doesn't contradict with anything else. It really doesn't look good and user's trust is lost on robustness of your website. Specially when your website is a banking website or trading website. :)